Thursday, April 2, 2009

Just a few pics....

We've had a surprisingly busy week. Last Friday evening we went over to Grandpa and Grandma's house as we looked after their dog, Sidney, over the weekend and we needed to get care instructions!! We all had pizza for dinner (Oliver ate loads!) and Oliver tried to say Grandpa :) He's been perfecting it since then but it still sounds remarkably like bubble!! He also gave Grandpa a big cuddle and a kiss when we left so that was adorable to see :)

Oliver came along to visit Sidney with us and gave him a wave every time we arrived and left! He also got very excited every time we went there and kept pointing out to me that I needed to open the garage door. He almost limboed under it he was so excited!!

On Monday we went to a surprise play date - surprising as I only found out we were going on Sunday evening!! But that was great fun as always. And yesterday we went to an April Fool's Day play date where the kids dressed up. I'm not very good at that kind of thing so Oliver wore his lion bathrobe and took his sunglasses with him! Another good time and Oliver and the other kids even got a gift bag to bring home Safe to say that Oliver has loved the bag and the coloured paper inside it more than the actual toys!

The other new thing is that Oliver just loves to stand on his step stool and watch me preparing lunch or dinner. However, he does want to help so I have to have eyes in the back of my head! And the animal impressions are coming on - he has added "baa" to his repertoire :)

This Saturday we are taking Oliver to an easter egg hunt (weather permitting!). April greeted us with snow which was not very welcome but it did disappear in the afternoon. The end is in sight though - isn't it??!!

Mummy - I'm far too busy reading to pose or smile for you

Super scary lion!

Of course Oliver managed to get icing from his cupcake pretty much everywhere except in his mouth!

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