Monday, July 18, 2011


Hi everyone!!! Yes, a couple of milestones for each of the children recently. Emily got her first haircut last week! She did really well. She watched Oliver get his done first and was very eager to get into the airplane chair that he had used. And she very happily sat in the chair playing or watching the TV while she got her hair cut. This time I didn't lose the snippets of hair like I did after Oliver's first cut, although you know she'll probably throw them away and think I'm a crazy mum when she's older :) As a matter of interest I looked back through the blog and discovered that Oliver was also 15 months when he got his first cut - strange but true!

Oliver's milestone is potty training!!! He has done so well over the past few weeks. He pretty much always takes himself to the bathroom when he needs to go and we haven't had any accidents in a good long while. When we started this whole thing we promised him that when he was clean and dry and using the potty without much prompting he would be able to go and choose a present. So yesterday we went off to Toys R Us and he did just that!! We didn't tell him where we were going and when we got there he said he didn't want to go (!) but as soon as we explained why he was very excited. Of course he picked up the first thing he saw (Lightning McQueen cars) but we encouraged him to have a good look around before deciding, especially since he said ages ago that he wanted some new Thomas tracks. And that's what he chose in the end :) We are a very proud mum and dad!!

The weather is ridiculously hot at the moment so we are spending time indoors making the most of the air conditioning! Really, even if I got the pool out for the kids it would still be too hot. I think it's way too dangerous to be out there in a "feels like" temperature of 115F. Even Scoop just flops down on the ground as soon as she's out there and doesn't want to move!!! Anyway, we have been out and about when it was a little cooler and a couple of weeks ago the kids got to play in one of the local lakes. I hadn't gone prepared for swimming so they both got their clothes soaked and had a fab time in the water!!

Other than that, Oliver "married" his friend Celia at the playground the other day so that was nice ;) Kids and their imagination - it's wonderful!!! Emily can be quite the chatterbox sometimes and now makes good attempts at saying "fish" and "duck" (just because they are in one of her books!). However, she does continue to be quite a handful and cries an awful lot which can get very wearing. Neither of us are sure why and she can't tell us but it happens every day - you'd never believe it because I always catch her smiley pics :) I'm sure it'll figure itself out before long - she got an extra nap today so let's see if that helps!!

Oliver has really liked drawing rainbows recently - here is one of them
At the playground
Shall I go in or shan't I?!
Oliver and Celia
She did it!!!
But the nappy didn't hold up too well!!!
Two 6 packs - yeah!!!
Getting ready to work out with daddy!!
You can't tear the boy away from his Lunchable!!
Scoop on her 5th birthday!
Oliver (strangely in a similar position to Scoop above!) with his Thomas colouring book that I bought in a friend's auction to benefit the St James' Hospital Neonatal Unit. Emily got a rag doll :)
Sweet :)
Pre haircut......

And during!
The morning after.....
Oliver with two of his beloved items :)
Emily in her usual destructive mood - we spend a lot of time putting all the pieces of games and puzzles back in their boxes!

Oliver with his potty training prizes!!! He looks so proud of himself - and rightly so!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

4th July weekend

We had a fairly busy holiday weekend. On Saturday we went to the annual Mum's in Minnesota get together - this is the British group I am a member of. This year the event was hosted by a friend in Maple Grove who has a fabulous pool in her garden. Of course Oliver wanted to go straight in! There was even a little paddling pool so Emily got to splash around as well :) On Sunday I had to work during the day but in the evening I joined the rest of the family at Ray and Sandy's. We had a BBQ and stayed there late to watch the fireworks. Oliver didn't do as great with them this time as he did last year - I'm not sure why. But he definitely had a lot of fun playing with the other kids and making another tie dye shirt to add to his collection! On Monday we didn't do a great deal - the kids were pretty tired from the previous two days anyway. I had to go to work again in the evening but it was so quiet :)

One downside to the weekend is that Emily has been sick. She started developing a rash late Friday which had spread all over by Sunday afternoon and Monday. I took her to the doctor yesterday who ruled out measles which is good but we still have no idea what is causing it. It looked better today but when we were outside in the sunshine it definitely got worse so maybe it is heat related? Hopefully this isn't something that keeps happening when it's warm!

I can't remember if I updated you all with Emily's latest stats! She now weighs 26lbs and is 34 inches tall - she is off the chart for height so she'll probably be taller than Oliver one day. I'm not sure how well that will go down ;) She is getting more vocal every day and can now say bye bye (see the video). She attempts to say grapes but it's only because I know she always wants grapes that I know this, ha! But she will go and stand at the fridge and try to open it if she wants a drink (or grapes!). Yesterday she managed to press the water dispenser on the fridge so that is now locked again!

Oliver is having a strange week. All of a sudden he is saying that he can't do things that he had no problem with before such as swimming, playing in the sand, climbing things in the playground, reading books........ I'm not entirely sure what is going on here. Probably just another phase that we need to get through. I am sad about the swimming though. Jon said he just couldn't (or wouldn't) do anything at his lesson last night. On a brighter note, he is still getting on really well at school and seems to enjoy most of the activities there. They had someone come into school last week for a bubble party and he was pretty excited about that! He also continues to do very well with numbers, letters, shapes and puzzles and he is even starting to draw more pictures which are somewhat recognisable :)

Emily on her favourite ride at Chuck e Cheese!
Caught stealing mum's cereal. She likes nothing more than raiding that cabinet and walking round with cereal boxes or granola bars!
Caitlin attempting to give Emily a hug because she was crying :)
Wearing Oliver's hat!
The band serenading me after breakfast
Uncle Matt helped Emily on the slide and she loved it!!! I love the static hair :)
Kite flying!
Oliver showing some toys to our friend Jackson
And giant Emily posing by Jackson who is only 4 months younger :)
Trying out an indoor chair.......
......and an outdoor one!
Dad and the kids warming up after swimming in the pool
Both kids feeling not so great on Saturday afternoon - both of them were burning up :(
But Emily still managed to crack a smile!

Wesley, Celia, Oliver and Nya pausing for a rest on a walk around the lake this morning