Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summertime :)

We've had a lot of outdoor time since I last blogged: playgrounds, lakes, the zoo, friend's houses, splash much fun to be had when the weather is nice!

Oliver finished preschool and very excitedly began summer camp last Thursday. He is there right now and is very enthusiastic to go every Tuesday and Thursday. He seemed a little apprehensive when I left him on the first day but that wasn't surprising to me. However, when I picked him up at the end of the day he couldn't stop talking about how much fun he had - phew! He didn't have any concept of how long he had been there as he thought we were heading home for Emily's nap. He was shocked when I explained it was nearly dinner time :) All good signs that we don't need to worry about him going to all day kindergarten.

We also took the training wheels off Oliver's bike last week. To be honest, they weren't really doing much as they had got so bent from Oliver pretending to fall off so many times! Most of the time he was balancing on three wheels. So we took them off and within about 5 minutes he was riding around the back garden with very few problems. He will be getting a new bike for his birthday as his current one is very small for him and it doesn't have proper brakes. Then we will be able to let him loose on the trails rather than just the grass.

Emily is still getting used to Oliver not being at the same school as her. She stops at Oliver's old room every time expecting to see him! But she is getting on great in her own room although I did find her in a time out there one day last week - apparently she tried to go outside! She is getting more vocal with her teachers and her vocabulary is increasing day by day. It is still difficult for people who don't see her a lot to understand what she says but we generally get it!

The time came for Emily to get a big girl bed so I found a cheapish second hand one which we picked up at the weekend. She took to it straight away although we have had to put the security device on the door like we did with Oliver as she got out the other evening while Jon was in the basement! We had it up against the wall but last night at around 2am she woke up and decided that kicking the wall was a fun game - right next to our bedroom! So I have moved the bed today to the centre of the room. I was a little nervous about her having no wall either side but she didn't fall out last night when Jon moved her bed away from the wall so hopefully it will be fine. Now our crib will be going to a friend who is expecting a baby in a couple of months :)

Here are the latest pictures for you!

Oliver driving at Como Zoo

Both kids on the Aladdin ride

And on the train!

Emily driving the fire truck.....

......and Oliver in the crane in charge of putting out the fires!

My big polar bear!

And my little one!

Oliver climbed all the way to the top of the "spider web" with a little help from Daddy!

Frozen yoghurt!

Oliver's cards for his preschool teachers 
And the insides for Mr Darrin and Miss Marhea

Time for some water play in the garden!

Testing out the new sprinkler

All the evidence I needed that a new bed was required!

Last day at preschool!

Cooling off at Parker's Lake

Hunting for fish! 
Someone didn't want to go home!

90 degress you say? Time for the pool!

Bathing beauty

The most fun for a big brother - pouring a bucket of water over your sister's head!

Name writing practice

Emily "borrowing" her brother's game

Oliver got to hang out with me for a morning while Emily was at school :)

Mummy, my muscles are *this* big!!


Where's Emily?

Time for a nap.....

Hard to see but her face is covered in mosquito bites :(( She has a new one today which has made one of her eyes swell up.

Fun with friends at the weekend


Root beer floats!

Someone came to join me for my early morning workout session......

New bed!!

Father's Day at Buffalo Wild Wings

Ha ha!!

Splash pad!

The kids spent all morning filling their buckets and emptying them over their heads!

Hello Kitty bedding!!

Mummy testing out some hair clips

But Mummy's friend made them look a whole lot better!!

Story time with friends. Pay attention Emily!