Saturday, February 28, 2009

Doctors and more

It's been a fairly busy week in the Jozwiak household. We started Monday by going to a Mardi Gras playdate at a friend's house in Minneapolis where Oliver got to design his own mask. He was pretty much the only boy there (there was one other but a very young baby) so he was rather out-numbered!! One mum brought beads for all the children and Oliver got very attached to his and still likes to wear them round the house. Jon thinks he looks ready to star in his own rap video!!

Monday afternoon was the dreaded doctor's appt and Oliver acted exactly as I expected. The poor thing cried from beginning to end and when I took his clothes off he was shaking like a leaf :( He got two shots and weighed in this time at 27lbs 11oz and measured just over 34ins in length. So, in the past 3 months he's put on 2 pounds and grown an inch! He is still on the 95th line for his height and the 75th for his weight so he's doing really well.

Tuesday was my birthday and Oliver spent the morning being crabby - great!! But he cheered up a bit in the afternoon and we went to Caribou to get my free birthday coffee. Oliver had fun playing with the toys there and drawing on the chalkboard. In the evening he went and spent some time with Grandpa while Jon and I went out for dinner.

Wednesday morning we went to St Louis Park rec centre where they have a toddler drop-in every week. Mikayla and Matt and regular visitors there so we got to see them both as well. Mikayla was a social butterfly wandering round the place while Oliver was his usual somewhat clingy self with me!! But it was a fun place and we'll probably be back.

On Thursday we had a nice snowstorm. I think we got about 4ins of snow here but in other places they got nearer 8! It's now nice and cold again but at least the sun is out.

Today is Mikayla's first birthday party so we are off to that and Granny Colleen is in town for the week so we should have a fun few days coming up. Jon is off work as well - yey :))) Sorry I don't have many pics this time but still a couple for you. I'll try and make up for it this week!

Oliver showing off his bling at the playdate!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

18 months old (almost....)

Tomorrow Oliver will be 18 months old which is freaking me out just a little bit - where did that time go??!!! New height and weight stats will be available after his docs appt next Monday. I hope he's going to be OK. The last time I had an appt he cried and cried and cried as if he knew what was going to happen in the exam room so I'm not looking forward to it. At least after Monday he won't have to go again for 6 months.

Monday was President's Day over here so Jon got the day off which was really nice. We took Oliver to the play area at the Ridgedale Mall in the afternoon and he had fun going down the slides. It was really busy and it took him a while to get used to all the other kids being there. He does get quite overwhelmed and shy around lots of other children. We went to a play date at someone's house yesterday morning and it took him half an hour to move away from my side and play with the toys. He still didn't do much playing with the kids but at least he had fun eventually.

Nanna Pan will vouch for this story. I was eating a snack pot of Pringles the other day and when I was finished I gave Oliver the pot to play with. He pointed at the Pringles man and said "Daddy!". Jon didn't believe me until he did it again over the weekend. I'm not too sure Jon's pleased about this but he is thinking about growing a moustache (not really!!).

Today Oliver has helped me clean. I was cleaning his bathroom and put some bleach in the loo and he was quite upset that I didn't put any in his potty. So he got it out of the cupboard, lifted the potty lid and pretended to put bleach in there too. So funny!!

Just a few pics for you this time :)

Giving kisses to my Valentine's card from Grandpa and Grandma

It's him! It's Daddy!!!

Mmmmm - bread :)

Awwww - Scoopy looking cute (she's actually studying the floor intently for anything dropped from the highchair)

Daddy making me giggle - looks like the frog is telling a very funny story!!

Oliver is getting quite good with his Lego and managed to put all these pieces on the board himself. He's also really good with the shape sorter and still loves building towers!

Monday, February 9, 2009

A "warm" weekend!

This past weekend was really lovely - sunny and comparitively warm! We were able to take Scoop to the off lead area on Saturday and she had a good run around. Oliver loved seeing all the dogs going crazy!! And yesterday we took her on a walk around the neighbourhood so she was a very happy doggy :) Today is weird because it's raining!! Still doesn't stop it being incredibly slippery outside. This morning I took Scoop outside and basically couldn't walk back inside because of the ice - I had to crawl back to the garage :)) It was so funny - hope no-one saw me!

Oliver seems to be fully recovered from his bug now although we have both had the sniffles over the weekend. He kept all his food down on Thursday and on Friday I gave him milk again and all seemed well. Not a very fun last week for us though especially as I was sick on the Wednesday as well!

So, what's new? Not a great deal but I'm sure there are things I always forget to put on here! Oliver now gives both Jon and I a kiss after we switch the lights out at bedtime - very  cute! He is very good at helping me unload the dishwasher and can almost reach everything at the top. He also likes to help take the laundry out of the dryer but he does tend to throw it on the floor so I have to be watchful with that one :) He is getting pretty good at feeding himself and not dropping everything off the spoon. He does love to cover my hand in yoghurt when it comes to dessert though!! When Jon comes home from work Oliver very helpfully shows him where to put his bag (by the office table).  Oh, and when Scoop wants to go outside Oliver gives her a little push through the stairgate that divides the kitchen from the laundry room - and then hands me her lead!! He's turning into a super little helper :))

Still feeling poorly and tired on Wednesday morning

Taking a walk on Saturday afternoon

Very happy with the money that Nanna Pan sent him!

I actually managed to catch Oliver laughing on camera!


Stuck in the drum - and not too happy about it!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Oliver's first sleepover

On Saturday we left Oliver overnight with Grandpa and Grandma - the first time ever we've left him!! Jon and I went out for a meal and had a nice relaxing evening. Meanwhile, Oliver was having fun down the road! Grandpa got a little more than he bargained for when Oliver provided some extra floating, um, "toys" in the bath but it sounds like he handled it well :) It was pretty strange waking up without him here and it was great to see him on Sunday morning although I don't think he missed us one bit!!

Sadly Oliver has been a poorly baby today :( When I went to get him from bed this morning he had been sick and had to be put straight in the bath. The poor thing looked frozen and scared silly by it all :( He tried to eat breakfast but that didn't go so well and he couldn't even keep dry toast down this evening. He was all cuddly with me today and we chilled out under the blanket on the sofa watching kids TV. Hopefully he's feeling better tomorrow.

I had to laugh on Saturday afternoon. I went for a run on the treadmill and when I came upstairs Oliver led me to the bathroom and pointed at the shower door - was he trying to tell me something??!!

Oliver's favourite word at the moment is "bubble" - pretty much everything is a bubble!! His talking is coming on great and the words he says are getting clearer all the time.

Well, that's all for now. I hope all my British friends and family are enjoying the snow over there - you've got more snow than us and even got a mention on our local news tonight :) The weather here was just gorgeous over the weekend but now it's cold again!

Engrossed watching The Hoobs!

One of Oliver's favourite pastimes - emptying the bathroom cabinets

The spitting image of my Daddy

Having fun in the ballpit

A poorly Oliver keeping warm under the blanket with Iggle Piggle - and even Scoop managed to look sympathetic!