Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summer colds :(

Oliver and I had so much planned last week but we ended up spending Monday through Wednesday at home as Oliver got a cold and he wasn't very well. It was a long few days and it was very warm out as well so we didn't get to enjoy the sunshine until the end of the week. And to top it all off the poor little thing fell all the way down the stairs and got a nice bruise on his forehead :( But by Thursday he was feeling better and we managed to get outside to the splash pad in St Louis Park. Oliver enjoyed playing with a bucket - just filling it with water and throwing it over his head :) And on Friday morning we headed over to a friend's house for a play date.

Sunday was Father's Day so Jon got to stay in bed and be spoiled! Oliver shared breakfast with daddy and enjoyed helping him open his present (a homebrew kit!).

We've had a quiet week so far but we're off out to the zoo again tomorrow morning and a play date in the afternoon. We are going to another splash pad on Friday morning assuming the weather stays nice. It's a holiday weekend so Jon gets Friday off this week - yey :)

Oliver's new word (phrase?) this week is "ta da"!! I said it one night and he just copied thinking he was very clever. Now he likes to hide a toy behind his back and say "ta da" when he shows it to me :)

I got a new video this week of Oliver helping me do the cleaning again :)

Oliver got to have a bath with 3 girls last week after we stayed for dinner at the ice cream play date - lucky boy :)

Sharing daddy's scrambled egg

Mmm - beer!! The first attempt should be ready in a month or so!

A bit warmer than the -20 photo I took over winter :)

Having fun at the splash pad

Rowen desperately wanted to get in the car with Oliver :)

But he managed to get it to himself eventually!

Enjoying an ice cream on a hot day

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Out and about

It's been a busy week in the Jozwiak household and another one to come - so many play dates and family events :) We love it though!!

I have to first mention the turtle because it made a return one morning this week. Jon spotted it at the end of our driveway and it had a stroll around the cul-de-sac and was last spotted on the neighbour's driveway. Was it the same one - who knows?? Sadly I saw another one upside down in the road but I didn't get close enough to identify it :)

Last Thursday Oliver and I went to the Rose Garden in St Paul and met up with some other mums and kids. It's a really beautiful place and we were sitting near a fountain which the kids just loved. Obviously Oliver was the one who managed to get the wettest and was intent on climbing in there but he was unsuccessful!

On Friday it was haircut day for Oliver which was much more successful than last time. He had a lollipop and bear blankie and he was more than happy - even let the stylist use the trimmers!

On Saturday Grandpa Ray had his 60th birthday celebration which was lots of fun. Oliver and Mikayla entertained themselves by playing with a train and a car up and down the driveway! Oliver disappointed Jon by eating my veggie burger instead of any of the meaty food that had been brought in :) He did the same the next day when we had a BBQ at home.

On Monday we went to a play date at Andrea and Ezra's house. They happen to live in a part of Minneapolis that is on the flight path - noisy, yes but so entertaining for Oliver. Every time one flew over he pointed up at it and was quite excited!!

And yesterday we spent the morning at Como Zoo and went to Matt and Jennifer's in the evening. Aunt Pauline and Uncle Keith have been in town from Canada so we all had dinner over there which was lovely. I risked going around the zoo without the stroller and Oliver did really well pretty much walking the whole way. After dinner I had a mum's night out at a friend's house playing Bananagrams - lots of fun!!

This afternoon is an ice cream social at someone else's house and another play date tomorrow morning. And of course it's father's day this weekend so Jon gets to be pampered - just like every other day then - ha ha!!!

I love this pic of my gorgeous boy - he looks very pensive but actually has a mouthful of goldfish crackers!

Getting wet by the fountain

This is an M&M cookie ice cream which I didn't realise was so big! Oliver picked off the M&Ms and gave them to me :)

Very grown up hair cut! Playing in Grandpa's garden

The fire pit was cold - I promise!!

Wearing my new muscle t-shirt and shorts from Grandpa and Grandma

Showing the other kids how to play with a wagon....

The training of Oliver continues - this week he learned how to put the rubber gloves on but he isn't tall enough to reach into the sink - soon :))

Jon entertaining Oliver and Mikayla

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


So this morning I was looking out of the window and I saw a turtle making it's way across our lawn which I thought was a bit strange! I took some pictures of it from inside then later I took Oliver out to have a look. He was very keen to touch it but I didn't let him - he just said hello and waved :) Later in the afternoon we took Scoop out on her walk and some other people alerted us to the turtle on the middle of the bridge. I managed to get past it without alerting Scoop and the other people told me it was a snapping turtle and could bite! They must have got hold of someone to come and move it as it was gone by the time we finished the walk. Pretty interesting though!!

Last Monday we hosted a play date in our garden. About 8 kids were here running around and playing on the swing and in the playhouse. It was great fun. We also went to a park and to someone else's house last week. And on Thursday Oliver and Mikayla had a play date at the park in Hopkins. The weather was just lovely until the weekend came and then it felt like the middle of winter again! It was still dull today but should be cheering up over the coming few days.

Our poor Scoopy has been concerning us this week. I saw her have a seizure on Monday morning which is the second one we know she's had (Jon saw the first). I took her to the vet later in the day and it seems likely she has epilepsy so we have some medication to give her if she has another seizure and if they become more frequent she will have to go on other medication full time. It's very scary and upsetting to see but 99% of the time she is our usual silly, happy dog :)

Today I took Oliver to the Eagle's Nest which is an indoor play area about 25mins away from home. He loved it!! He ran around like crazy and was ready to go home after 1.5hrs (he got his shoes and brought them over to me!!). Oliver also has a favourite song by the All American Rejects called "Gives You Hell" (not sure if that's popular anywhere else!). Anyway, every time it comes on he starts dancing so I managed to get a video of that today although he seemed more interested in bear blankie towards the end!!

I'll sign off by wishing my mum and Jon's dad very happy birthdays for today - hope you both had a great day :))

Having fun at our play date last week

Playing in the park at Lake Hiawatha

Spot which child wouldn't look at the camera for a picture....!

Turtle :))

Hanging out with Rowen on the fire truck

Playing with Ezra on the slide