Monday, March 28, 2011

Emily is 1!!!

Last week our baby turned 1 :)) Jon had the day off work and we spent the morning opening presents and we went to Como Zoo for a little while (the same thing we did on Oliver's first birthday!). In the afternoon we had friends and family over to celebrate with pizza and cake! Like every 1 year old, Emily was a little overwhelmed with everything but she handled the attention very well and was so excited when she got her cake and everyone sang Happy Birthday. Since then she has been seriously working on her attitude and gets so angry sometimes it makes me laugh!! I have to laugh now because this is no doubt going to transform into the most almighty tantrums. She also has one more tooth (a total of 7 now) and is working on more. I had to give her some medicine before nap time today to get her to settle down :(

I think Oliver enjoyed Emily's birthday a lot - he was very willing to help her open presents (it is quite painful watching a one year old open presents) and he has enjoyed playing with them probably more than she has!

As with every first birthday comes the 12 month doctor's check up and we are going for that on Friday. I will update you all with Emily's latest vital statistics!

Mikayla, Oliver and Matt waiting for the Hopkins St Patrick's Day parade to go by

Emily hanging out for the parade

Completely in awe of the fire engines! This was taken at a "visit the fire station" play date.

He was even brave enough to stand on one and go inside :)

Oliver showing he is as tall as a fire engine wheel

Getting to grips with the bouncy zebra

First birthday breakfast!

Emily trying to escape Daddy's grip :)

Birthday girl!

I saw that cute baby in the mirror :)

Oliver wishing they were his presents!!

But he was more than willing to help!

Emily facing forward in her car seat

A bit weirded out by the turtle!

Daddy and the kids at Como

Wiped out after the zoo!

Cutie :)

Showing off Emily's birthday cake (I didn't make it!)

I love being the centre of attention!!!

Hey Grandpa!

The kids enjoying some birthday cake

Opening presents with mum after dinner (hence the wet hair after being wiped up!)

Our friends playing on the porch

Oliver and Mikayla playing with Emily's new Trunki

Enjoying her Dino Walker

Lounging on a beanbag at a friend's house

Emily seems to like cars almost as much as Oliver - phew!

Beautiful face - this is Emily eating Dippin Dots (ice cream that Grandpa Ray always gives the kids on their birthdays!)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spring is coming (maybe.....)!

The temperatures are getting warmer, the snow is rapidly disappearing..... We aren't out of the woods yet but the smallest glimpses of spring are coming and I'm excited to get outside with the kids again!! Oliver will enjoying having some more puddles to splash in during the thaw :)

Potty training continues to go well. Still some accidents and he still needs prompting to go but he is getting better every day. And yesterday we had a wonderful day with a great achievement on the potty (no more information required!!). Everyone was very excited!!! This morning Oliver went for his second visit to the dentist and he did really well again. He even let the dentist move the chair up and down which was something he had a real problem with first time. We had the warning about his thumb sucking and the way it affects his teeth but I'm well aware of that having been through it myself and I'm sure it's something he'll grow out of.

On Friday of last week Oliver went for his school readiness check. This is something every child does before 4 years of age to find out if there are any problems that need addressing before they start kindergarten at age 5. Anyway, Oliver "passed" with not too many problems. He wasn't able to answer some questions and needed some additional help but it really wasn't anything unusual for a 3 year old and, considering how far he's come in 6 months, I really don't think we have anything to worry about. He also got weighed and measured: he is 41.5 inches tall and 37lbs (95th and 75th centiles).

Can you believe it is only 5 days until Emily turns 1??!! It is unbelievable to me how quickly this year has gone, especially when I think of Oliver's first year. Her personality develops every day and I can see she's going to be a feisty one!! She gets quite frustrated with a toy or book if it isn't "doing" what she wants and she'll have a little scream at it!!! I'm pretty sure Oliver is far more excited about her birthday than anyone else - he had fun choosing a present for Emily which is, of course, car related but totally age appropriate. I wonder who will play with that more??!! Hopefully the weather will be good and we'll be able to go to the zoo or something on her birthday. And along with that we can start weaning her off the formula milk, turn her car seat around etc etc etc!! Oh, what a milestone 1 is ;)

Trying to figure out the laptop

Yep, everything goes in the mouth - even the pretend gas can!

Oliver and his special bear :)

Emily was sick for a couple of days :((

Maybe Emily will be the next Formula 1 racing star??

Peanut butter toast for brekkie!

Cutie in da hood ;)

And if Emily gets her picture taken so does Oliver :)

Emily was intrigued by the beer!

Engrossed in the mozart magic cube!

Happy bath time together!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Potty Training!

Yes, finally!!! The potty training is happening :) After a few false starts we are on the road to no more nappies or pull ups - hurrah!! Oliver decided he wanted to give it a go on Saturday and we have been doing it ever since (no-one told me how exhausting this would be but hey.....). So far, so good although he is having a few accidents which is only to be expected after a few short days. But he did make it through his whole morning at school today without a single accident so I am extremely proud of him. With the help of stickers and M&Ms we are getting there - and the promise of a bigger gift when he stays clean and dry all the time!

Emily turned 11 months last week and has stood independently a few times now. She has been able to stand in one spot for about 5 seconds without holding onto anything. Maybe she'll take a step before her 1st birthday comes around but I seem to remember it took Oliver a little while to get from this stage to walking. We'll see. She is into everything though. Nothing makes her happier than pulling everything off a bookshelf, pulling all the toys out of her playnest, pulling apart Oliver's train tracks......and now she has discovered the joy of opening and closing cupboards and finding all the exciting things inside. Fun times!!!

We enjoyed a wonderful warm week a couple of weeks ago and we were able to play outside for a few days. Then we got another foot of snow dumped on us last weekend and it turned cold again :( This winter keeps climbing the table for the snowiest on record (I think it's 8th or 9th on the list so far). Yes, we are all more than ready for spring.

No videos this time but a few photos for you :))

Little Miss Destruction at work in her bedroom
Obviously pleased with the results
And having a go at Oliver's bookshelf in the playroom - looks like I may have another Cars fanatic on my hands :)
Oliver smiling although struggling to keep Emily on his lap!!
Oliver wrote his name!! He did the O without me seeing and then I just told him how to do the other letters and here is the result!!
And his lovely Valentine's hat :)
Reading books with Celia at Maple Grove library - which is his new favourite place to go
Oliver insisted Emily snuggle under the blanket with him :)
Yey - playtime at the park!!!!
Cool dude Oliver and sassy Celia playing in the snow!!
Oliver got a ton of sweets from his friends at school for Valentine's day - this is a Wonka fun dip (think sherbert dip dab my British friends!!)
Oliver playing his Mobigo
I'm saying "don't run through the deep puddles Oliver". When will I ever learn?!
11 month picture
She loves her singing teapot :)
Cheese :))
Oh yes, Emily can reach her brother's pin board and likes to pull his stickers off!!
Enjoying a cake on mum's birthday

Emily standing up all by herself

The kiddos after breakfast this morning :)