Monday, February 2, 2009

Oliver's first sleepover

On Saturday we left Oliver overnight with Grandpa and Grandma - the first time ever we've left him!! Jon and I went out for a meal and had a nice relaxing evening. Meanwhile, Oliver was having fun down the road! Grandpa got a little more than he bargained for when Oliver provided some extra floating, um, "toys" in the bath but it sounds like he handled it well :) It was pretty strange waking up without him here and it was great to see him on Sunday morning although I don't think he missed us one bit!!

Sadly Oliver has been a poorly baby today :( When I went to get him from bed this morning he had been sick and had to be put straight in the bath. The poor thing looked frozen and scared silly by it all :( He tried to eat breakfast but that didn't go so well and he couldn't even keep dry toast down this evening. He was all cuddly with me today and we chilled out under the blanket on the sofa watching kids TV. Hopefully he's feeling better tomorrow.

I had to laugh on Saturday afternoon. I went for a run on the treadmill and when I came upstairs Oliver led me to the bathroom and pointed at the shower door - was he trying to tell me something??!!

Oliver's favourite word at the moment is "bubble" - pretty much everything is a bubble!! His talking is coming on great and the words he says are getting clearer all the time.

Well, that's all for now. I hope all my British friends and family are enjoying the snow over there - you've got more snow than us and even got a mention on our local news tonight :) The weather here was just gorgeous over the weekend but now it's cold again!

Engrossed watching The Hoobs!

One of Oliver's favourite pastimes - emptying the bathroom cabinets

The spitting image of my Daddy

Having fun in the ballpit

A poorly Oliver keeping warm under the blanket with Iggle Piggle - and even Scoop managed to look sympathetic!

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