Friday, August 15, 2008

First steps (sort of!!)

Yesterday I turned my back for a few seconds and when I turned around Oliver was pushing his highchair around the kitchen walking behind it!! This was the first time he had taken steps of any sort so it was pretty exciting. I got a couple of videos of it!! Oliver has also learned how to clap and wave and likes to do it at any opportunity!

I got a car last Saturday so it's been great to be able to get out during the day. I need to take some pics of it for the blog.

We are counting down to the big first birthday which is on Wednesday. The presents are starting to come in so we will have great fun opening them with Oliver. Jon has the day off so we can spend the day together as a family. The day after I am taking Oliver for his first professional photo session so we'll see if he can keep still for it!

What's this smelly old foot doing here??!!

This is the biggest drink of water I've ever seen....

A couple of pictures of our gorgeous boy trying to grab the camera!

Hmmm - this looks like an educational film....

....maybe I'm not supposed to empty the DVD shelf though....

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