Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Hi everyone! Sorry it has been a while since my last post. We got back from England on Friday of last week and since then I have been recovering and tackling a wallpaper removal project in our bathroom :) Anyway, I am going to do two posts - one for Halloween and one for our UK trip.

For Halloween this year Oliver dressed up as Francesco from Cars 2 and Emily was Little Red Riding Hood (without the cape which she really didn't like!). They both went out trick or treating although Oliver got to go out a couple of times. He did much better again this year and wasn't as scared as he was last year. He pretty much chose which houses looked "OK" and which ones he didn't like!! They both got more than enough candy (as always) which prompted a big clean out of our treat cupboard because we still had stuff left from last year!

Two hat Emily!!
Oliver's favourite way to watch TV - under the blanket (no matter what the weather) and with several bears.
Uh, Emily, this is not my idea of grocery shopping
Oliver setting a bad example on the slide - tsk, tsk!
Painting at his friend Maya's birthday party
Waiting patiently for a cupcake!
Party time with friends :)
Playing at the Ridgedale Mall
Emily was a blur in real time too! She wanted to go on this slide over and over and over again....
Cutie :)
Not so cutie!!! Having problems getting the cape off ;)
She loves cars as much as her brother :)
Emily is obsessed with pulling the zip of her PJs down - I find her most mornings in her crib showing me her chest!
Another hat moment
Oliver at the cookie decorating party we hosted
Emily wasn't so happy to decorate her cookie!!
Pre-England haircut :)
Reading the Sunday newspaper

Enjoying their Halloween loot!

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