Monday, January 31, 2011

10 months old

Emily turned 10 months old 10 days ago. I think she is celebrating by getting more teeth! As expected, she seems to be getting them in quick succession and she now has 4 at the top and more on the way. Other than that she is now a super fast crawler and quite hard to keep up with although Oliver manages quite well. He loves to crawl around with her and make her laugh. The pair of them have me in hysterics sometimes!

I am sitting here watching it snow again (of course because I just cleared 3 inches or so it has to put another lot on the driveway!!). We are all so ready for winter to be over so we can go outside and play. It really does get you down after a while. But tomorrow is February!! Each day is closer to spring :)

Still haven't got anything really of note to report but the kids are doing just great. Oliver's speech is improving each day and sometimes he comes out with the most amazing random comments!! He loves to sing and dance and it would appear that his new hobby is eating. Seriously, he is a bottomless pit at the moment. For breakfast today he ate Cheerios, blueberries, pineapple, toast with peanut butter, a granola bar and a banana!! And then he asked for an apple but I thought I would stop there! Don't get me wrong, his new found passion for food is fantastic and I am all for encouraging it but there are limits!! We are also working a bit more on potty training but it's a slow process. Some days he is far more interested than others but we'll get there.

Here are the latest photos and vids for you!!

If Emily is having her picture taken Oliver has to have his done too

Silly Oliver!!

Breakfast time smiles :)

And more smiles :))

A new outfit from the Curry clan!

Enjoying the cars at the play place we go to on a Wednesday

Celia and Oliver as Queen and King of the castle :)

Staring at the curtains!

Look at the airplane Mum built for me!!

Happiness is Home Depot on a Saturday morning with popcorn!

And a trip in a fire truck at the furniture store later on!

A brief stop for a cookie in the furniture store (a great reason to go furniture shopping!)

Oliver and Celia enjoying the snacks at a "Meet the Dads" event on Saturday

Emily and Max

Oliver LOVED Connect 4!!

A tired Emily still enjoying the party

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