Friday, May 28, 2010

Long weekend :)

It's a holiday weekend and Jon took Thursday and Friday off so a nice long weekend too :) We don't have anything exciting planned but it's great just to have some family time.

As always I have a load of photos to share and a few videos too. Oliver is singing in most of the videos - he likes to make up songs now about different coloured cars, trains, diggers - anything really! I think the two videos on the swing contain songs about a train and a little fly :) Emily is also finding her voice as you will hear in the video of her. The sleeping is still going great and she seems to be a bit happier during her awake time now. She just loves seeing Oliver - she is almost guaranteed to smile as soon as she sees him :)

Oliver was very excited to get some new shoes at the weekend. He got new sandals which he likes to call "fast ones". Don't ask me why - he just came up with it! We also went and bought a few new toys yesterday and he got a big set of new cars which is obviously the favourite toy right now. However, any toy which made a noise did not go down well. Strange, but true.

Oliver insisted I take a picture of him eating waffles :)

Cute snail outfit that Grandma Sandy got for Emily

Here Emily - look at bear. You know you want to :)

Making tie dye t-shirts

Water table fun at the grandparent's house

Mikayla giving Toby a drink of water - from a plastic train :)

Do you think Colman's would pay us for this picture??!!

Oliver playing doctor's - a future career??

Giggly girly!!

Tie dye t-shirt number 1 (and the new "fast ones"!)

Tie dye t-shirt number 2!

Emily at bath time

Oliver all ready for PJ day at school this week

Another pretty dress :)

Passed out on Mummy and Daddy's bed

Oliver showing off the "owie" on his toe :( (It's just a little scratch!!)

Exhausted after a morning play date

Daddy and Oliver being silly!

Daddy and the kids

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