Emily has a thing about bees! I have taught her how to say "buzz" this week and she thinks it's the funniest thing ever :)

The kids (and my friend Casey's aunt) having a fab time!! This is an amazing playground and the park reserve near us.

Emily and Daddy driving. Emily spent most of the time at the front of the boat looking out just like last time - she loves it!

Yep, we were trying to get a grandkids picture!!! Oliver did a grand job holding a squirmy Jameson. James wasn't quite as wriggly :)

Nice new Curious George shirt. Too bad it's white -- he's wearing it today and now it has juice stains!!

.....and take it apart and make it play songs!!! This is mid dance - see the video below for the full effect ;)

Oliver took a picture of me with my phone! It was early and I hadn't done my hair yet - I apologise!

The bigger kids (and Fiona!) liked sitting at this cute table to have their snacks at the park this week

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