We had such a fun filled and busy weekend!! On Saturday we hosted a BBQ for the Maple Grove Moms - something which we hope will become an annual event. We had over 30 people here for the celebration and thankfully the sun was shining (it was looking a little stormy early in the day). The kids had a ball playing in the swimming pool and the playhouse and I think the adults had fun just relaxing and watching them!! It's so great when the kids can entertain each other.
On Sunday it was James' baptism. Grandma Colleen, Aunt Patty, Jamie, Jason and Jameson have all been in town visiting so there was lots of family fun to be had. Oliver in particular has really enjoyed seeing everyone - he is so sociable and chatty now :) Emily has been really good as well and definitely not as wary of different people picking her up and talking to her.
So now all the talk is about Oliver being 4 in a few weeks. We turned the calendar yesterday and I made a big deal of highlighting his special day so he knows exactly how long he has to wait! We have a party planned for the big day so keep your fingers crossed for good weather (I said good, not 100 degrees!!!).

Mmmmm - yoghurt!

Oliver with his new Thomas track set up

Funny how a 2 dollar toy can cause so much happiness (except when it breaks after a few days...)

Emily with a mysterious rash that she had for about a week (hard to see in the picture I know)

But she still had some fun at the playground

James :)

Oreo ice cream - messy

Oliver had an argument with Scoop and her lead - ouch :(

Emily loves to take things out of the fridge. Here she is with buffalo hot sauce (the lid is still on!)

Brushing the floor!

Oliver just wanted his picture taken at breakfast time - handsome boy!

Pretty girl in a new shirt from Niki

Oliver playing T-ball with an oven mitt on!

Teaching Emily how to use the shape sorter (Emily put the circle in the wrong spot!)

Storytime with daddy

Oliver was very proud of his Lego structure that he built at the Mall of America

Oliver and Celia in the Air Bar chilling out while at Anoka County Fair

Yep, I guess she can stand up in her stroller

Oliver riding a tractor

Oliver, Celia, Nya and Annika - a perfect "kids having fun" picture :)

Being silly with bear on his head!

She loves the telephone

How she looks after getting out of bed on the wrong side

Hunting through the bathroom cabinets

Oliver fixing his laptop!

Standing on the table - great!

Cheers everyone!

And cheers mummy!

Oh so cute - cooling off in the pool!

Jameson playing under the gym he is inheriting from us :)

Polar bear rides!

Playing with Oliver's Mobigo

Polar bear and train rides :)
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