The Easter bunny came to our house for a visit yesterday so the kids were very happy to get yet more toys and candy. Emily was excited to get another new baby and Oliver got an Angry Birds game and t-shirt. This game is his new obsession and is really quite annoying! You can tell he's growing up because he doesn't talk about Lightning McQueen as much!! Yesterday morning we went to Grandpa and Grandma's house for an easter egg hunt and some lunch. Fun times!
Two weeks ago I went to New York to meet Steph and Mark and celebrate her 40th birthday. It was fun but the place is totally exhausting! Always buzzing and so much to see. The weather was great so we walked everywhere - fabulous exercise!! Daddy stayed home with the kids while I was gone.
Emily has started school and is doing really well. She cries when we drop her off but she settles down quickly and has a great time. I usually find her with her head in a book when I go to pick her up! Oliver's parent teacher conference was last week and I was so pleased to hear how well he is doing. He has come on in leaps and bounds since the last conference in December and I was happy to hear his teachers say he is more than ready for kindergarten. He will finish at preschool in early June and then start the summer camp the following week. I have to register him for Kindergarten this Thursday - eek!
We have started night time potty training for Oliver. The first night was Friday and we had two sets of wet sheets but since then he has been dry. We get him up when we go to bed and then again in the middle of the night. I am leaving it longer each night before I wake him in the early hours so hopefully he will get used to the longer period of time staying dry. I feel like I have a little baby again having the wake up calls *yawn* :))
Emily has been for her two year check at the doctor's today. She now weighs 31.8lbs (96th percentile) and is 35.25ins tall (83rd percentile). So she is still a big girl but doing just perfectly. And we fully expected shots today but apparently she needs no more until age 5!!! Of course Oliver reminded the doctor that he was almost 5 and he would need 3 shots but he was going to be big and brave :))
When a certain little girl decides to take her nappy off at bedtime and the cot gets soaked the babies then need a good wash and have to hang up to dry!

Oliver, Emily and their friends at Sky Zone trampoline park to celebrate Nico's 2nd birthday (Nico is second from the right)

Emily and James were having quite the conversation yesterday - mainly about ducks.
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