Monday, January 30, 2012


At the weekend the kids went sledding for the first time! We went to a park which we've been to a couple of times in the summer that has a big hill perfect for sledding. I wasn't sure how Oliver would do but after going down once with daddy he was just fine doing it "all by himself"!! He had a couple of crashes but nothing serious. Emily had a couple of goes with daddy too. She didn't seem scared or excited so obviously just took it in her stride. I had good intentions of sledding myself but once I got to the top of the hill I completely lost my nerve. What a wimp! Anyway, I got a couple of videos which shows how fast the hill was!!

We were all sick with colds last week so didn't get to do too much. Feeling much better now though!!

Oliver has an appointment at the podiatrist this week as we noticed one day last week that his big toes are curving inwards. This is probably due to shoes being too tight but we want to find out if it will correct itself or if he needs to wear special shoes because of it. I am glad we were able to get an appointment so quickly though.

Emily continues to chat away and does well at copying what you say. This weekend she managed to say sticker and several other words (can't remember what!). I'm sure we'll get to the stage soon where we won't be able to stop her!!

Oliver made a bed for Emily's baby
Making a snow angel....
.....the finished article
Playing in the snow
Oliver trying to build an icy igloo but it wasn't the right kind of snow!!
Emily hasn't quite got the hang of this shovelling thing
Hanging out with daddy
It looks like she's practicing with a birthing ball.....
Time to change the baby again!
She is most definitely a morning person - don't try to approach her or snap pictures after about 3pm.
Looking so much like daddy (again!)
This is Oliver pretending to be a cat (you guessed that right?)
Helping mummy shovel the driveway while Emily naps :)
Oliver taking pictures of us (hence the finger in the shot)
Oliver in his new Vikings shirt. We are hoping to take him to a game when the new season starts.
Emily loves Hello Kitty!
I just fell in love with this shirt and she looks so cute in it :)
James hanging out with the grownups in the basement at the weekend
Mikayla and Oliver playing Elefun
This is what happens when you don't put Emily in the stroller or a cart when you go shopping. She was fascinated by the lingerie section!
Daddy and the kids :)

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