Sorry it has been a very long time since my last update. December was just total craziness when it came to work - long hours and many shifts led to a very tired mama. Anyway, it's all done now and I have hardly any hours at work so it's all change and I finally have time to update!
Christmas was lovely - quiet really but we spent some nice time with family. On the Friday before Christmas we went to Sandy's daughter's house (Katie) so Ray and Sandy could spend time with the grandchildren and hand out their gifts. Much fun!!! After I was finished with work on Christmas Eve the kids got to open their new PJs from Santa and we set out the snacks and drink for Santa and the crew. Oliver was so very excited!!
Christmas Day began at 7am which wasn't bad (the normal time the kids get up!). There were so many presents under the tree - we were all very lucky. Oliver and Emily were both pretty keen to start opening them. I thought it would take all day to get that task done but Oliver had all of his things open by about 9:30!!! Then we Skyped with family in the UK and headed over to Ray and Sandy's for lunch. A few more presents left to open in the afternoon and that was pretty much that!!! Jon and I were lucky this year as well - Jon bought a kegerator for himself so that was my gift to him and he got me an iPhone 4 which I love :)
Jon has been on holiday between Christmas and New Year and heads back to work tomorrow. It has been nice to have a chilled out week together. On New Year's Eve we had some friends over until about 9pm and then I was done for at about 11pm - I did see in the new year just with New York and the East coast!!
Other than we took the kids to the Hollidazzle parade in downtown Minneapolis and we also saw the Macy's Christmas display which was OK but the same as the past 2 years at least!! I think Oliver enjoyed lunch "in the sky" more (they had a restaurant on the top floor!).
Weather wise we have been spoiled and there was no snow on the ground over the holidays. We finally had a little snowfall a couple of nights ago but, compared to last year, it has been extremely warm!!!
Life will be back to normal tomorrow: Oliver in school, Jon at work, kids going to swim lessons...... and I suppose restarting the workout routine. Happy New Year!!!
New Lightning McQueen PJs!!

A rare picture of me and the kids :)

Christmas Day!

Pretty Christmas dress!

This bag is as big as me :)

A new way to mow the lawn

The kegerator!

Emily the Builder

Santa Frog - a gift from Oliver's school

Taking a picture of herself on mummy's new phone

Ninja Oliver!!

Ray and Sandy with the grandkids: Alex and Anna on the left, Oliver, Emily, Isabelle, Mikayla, Blake, Madison and James

I think this is Emily's favourite gift - a Little Mommy doll which plays peekaboo!

All the bows had to go on daddy!

She knows how to switch on Oliver's hexbugs

Wiped out after a busy day

Oliver's new castle - he says this is his best gift but he plays with other things more!! Who knows, he loves everything!

Oliver really loves this huge heart cushion in Target

Emily's new rocking horse

And giving kisses to her big doggy

Sitting at the bar watching movies :)

I am teaching the kids well ;)

Welly socks from England!!

Oliver's drawing of us all - love!

3D glasses!

Celia and Oliver on New Year's Eve with Elefun nets on their heads!

Emily has been upgraded from the highchair to the head of the table - she loves it!! And Oliver gets to sit on one of the chairs without arms. Big kids all round!
In case you're confused - there is a duck and a lollipop ornament on the mini christmas tree!