Not too much to report but I know I haven't posted for a couple of weeks and I have loads of photos as per usual!! We've been playing a lot outside while the weather has still been nice. We've had a little taste of winter the past couple of days - no snow, just chilly temps! Since my last post Oliver managed to get a black eye. He fell off the train at the playground and hit his eye right on a metal bar - ouch. And a few days later as it was starting to heal he was running upstairs and ran straight into a wall hitting the same eye again. So he's been a little bit in the wars but it's almost cleared up now. In the midst of all that we had our family pictures taken so Oliver got to wear some make up to cover the bruise!
Emily had her 18 month check up at the docs and weighs in at 29.2lbs and is 34.5ins tall. Her weight has slowed down a little but she continues to be off the charts for her height so she's definitely going to be a tall girl :) It's very noticeable with her 2T shirts that are starting to get a little short on her after only a couple of months.
In two weeks time, Oliver and I will be in England. I will try to squeeze another post in before then :)
Emily desperately wants to go on this swing but she's not quite big enough yet - maybe next year! Until then, she's content pushing it around.

This huge sheep is outside a store we pass most days in the car - so Oliver finally got to have his picture taken with it!

This was the extent of Emily's artwork. The rest of the paint was on her stomach and chest - and around her mouth where she decided to suck her thumb!

Oliver rubbed all the colours all over his hands!

Big girl Emily - eating her lunch at the table with us today - she was so, so excited!
Big girl Emily - eating her lunch at the table with us today - she was so, so excited!
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