Today Oliver moved to the next class at preschool. He handled it really well - so much better than the transition from the toddler room to preschool 1. He was excited to go when he woke up this morning and excited when I picked him up later!! He especially loved the fact that some of his friends had moved into that class too which must have made it easier. Hard to believe that this time next year I'll be sending him off to kindergarten.
Yesterday was a holiday and Oliver woke up saying that he wanted to see a polar bear. So, as we didn't have any plans, we headed to Como Zoo in the morning and did just that! He did love the bear but actually fell in love with a model of a baby polar bear! Emily walked around for a good amount of time although she would have been happy just to stay and look at the ducks all day (they are the first exhibit when you walk in!). She did enjoy the aquarium as well.
We went out clothes shopping on Sunday as Oliver especially has grown. He is almost out of "toddler" clothing so we are going to the boys section rather than the infants - I think he likes that!! His feet have also grown a size since Spring and he kept saying his shoes were tight so we now have two new pairs of shoes. Emily also has her first pair of trainers and looks very grown up walking around! The time came to pick up some cosy PJs for winter as well - it's not that cold yet thank goodness but there are definite signs of autumn :)
This weekend we are heading up to Duluth in Northern Minnesota to stay at a waterpark. I have the weekend off work which is unusual so we decided to make the most of it! Hopefully we'll get to see some of the area as well as the waterpark although it may be hard dragging the kids away!
Another exciting thing is that Oliver and I are making a trip to the UK in November!! The flights are booked and we are heading over on the 1st. Jon and I decided that Emily just isn't settled enough to make such a big trip so hopefully next time we'll all be able to go. But I know Oliver is very excited to go on the airplane and see everyone again.
Wearing a cute new outfit sent by Nanna. As you can tell, Emily loves to wear her necklaces and the reindeer ears!

I told him that I remembered a time when he couldn't even reach inside the toy box - now he can sit on top!

Sitting on the giraffe!! Funny, there is a sign right beside this saying no climbing but every child passing wanted to have their picture taken!

Emily playing boo at lunchtime!
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