Oliver has just been cracking me up today so I thought I'd do a blog post :) He just comes out with some funny stuff. Jon and I were giggling at him at dinner time because he was being cute and he started crying :(( Obviously he doesn't like being made fun of - must remember to laugh at a different time!! I got a few videos of the kids being silly/cute today.
Emily's 12 month check went fine. She now weighs 23lbs 12oz (90th percentile) and is 30 1/4 inches tall (95th percentile). So she remains big but completely on track and in proportion :) She got three shots this time and obviously cried at the time but quickly got over it. Next visit is at 15 months. The poor thing had a crazy accident this morning though. We were in the bathroom and she was trying to pull herself up and she ended up cracking her chin on the toilet and cutting her tongue with her teeth :( Tongues bleed - A LOT!! Poor baby now has two perfect little teeth marks in the middle of her tongue but at least they will heal quickly.
The kids got their first visit to the playground in a while at the weekend. The weather is getting warmer - the vast majority of the snow has melted now but today it was really windy and bitter outside and we have rain forecast for the next week or so :( Spring is slow in bringing us some consistent sunshine. We can't wait to get outside more - Jon said that Emily enjoyed just sitting on the grass and playing with leaves!! And Oliver is keen to get back on his bike :)
OK, photo and video time!!
If you can't tell (which you can't!) Oliver is showing his Reese's bunny to the camera - before maliciously biting off his head!!

She does the shy look very well :)

Yep, we played this again today!! Oliver loves his board games and would play them all day if he had the choice.
One of Oliver's current favourites - Emily looks less than impressed though!
Whenever we get Emily from her room she says "hi" to us. Of course because I had the camera out she didn't but she was still being cute, especially with the stickers in her hair!!
Silly Oliver (and silly mummy......)
Yep, we played this again today!! Oliver loves his board games and would play them all day if he had the choice.
One of Oliver's current favourites - Emily looks less than impressed though!
Whenever we get Emily from her room she says "hi" to us. Of course because I had the camera out she didn't but she was still being cute, especially with the stickers in her hair!!
Silly Oliver (and silly mummy......)
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