Yes, Emily has decided that it is high time her voice is heard in this household!! At lunchtime on Saturday she just started to properly babble and clearly said Dada while looking at Jon! I am still working on Mama - if I say it to her she just looks at me and grins :) At least she knows who I am!! She also decided that sitting down is pretty boring - she pulled herself up to standing in the car at the playground (see the pics below). So it has been a week of development for the little lady!!
Niki is over here from the UK for work at the moment and she spent the weekend with us. Oliver just loved having someone else to play cars with - especially when that someone brings him a new bus and a taxi to play with!! Sadly I don't have any pictures of her with the kids - I think they were all too busy having fun!
I have started working part time at Target - just evenings and weekends - so everyone is getting used to me going out to work now!! So far, so good. The job is only seasonal for the time being - we'll see if it turns into anything more permanent after Christmas.

While Oliver is napping, Emily will wreck his kitchen ;)

Oliver being a silly billy!

Playing doctors

Ha ha!!! Emily will also chew on Oliver's robot!

Sitting in the car nicely......

But look what I can do Mummy!!

I am so cool :)))

Women drivers ;)

Oliver is smiling for us here - yes, really.

Awwwww, rubbing his sister's head while watching some afternoon TV :))

Does Oliver look really guilty or what??!!! Ha! This morning he decided to take all the ice cube containers out of the cupboard - Emily loved it!!
I have started working part time at Target - just evenings and weekends - so everyone is getting used to me going out to work now!! So far, so good. The job is only seasonal for the time being - we'll see if it turns into anything more permanent after Christmas.
While Oliver is napping, Emily will wreck his kitchen ;)
Oliver being a silly billy!
Playing doctors
Ha ha!!! Emily will also chew on Oliver's robot!
Sitting in the car nicely......
But look what I can do Mummy!!
I am so cool :)))
Women drivers ;)
Oliver is smiling for us here - yes, really.
Awwwww, rubbing his sister's head while watching some afternoon TV :))
Does Oliver look really guilty or what??!!! Ha! This morning he decided to take all the ice cube containers out of the cupboard - Emily loved it!!
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