Tuesday, July 13, 2010

July 4th

So we had a busy weekend over July 4th. On the Saturday we went to a party hosted by the Mum's in Minnesota group I belong to - basically a group of British mums. There must have been 60 or so people there and we played some games, had some great food and the kids splashed around in the pools. Oliver was having a great time in the toddler pool but really wanted to go in the big pool which I was really nervous about because of the depth and number of kids in there. Of course I had no need to be worried. He could stand in the pool and the water came up to his shoulders so he was just fine. It took much bribery to get him out!!

On Sunday afternoon we went to Grandpa Ray and Grandma Sandy's house. They were watching Mikayla for the day so Oliver got to play with his cousin for a while in the paddling pool and with the water table. I brought Emily home early evening and the boys hung out to watch the fireworks. Oliver didn't get to bed until gone 11pm but he did just great and loved the fireworks and Grandpa's fire!

This past weekend we went to the beach at Elm Creek park reserve which is about 15 minutes away from us. Oliver just loved being in the water and playing with the sand. On Sunday it was Scoop's 4th birthday so we took her for a run at the off lead area (otherwise known as Scoop's office according to Oliver!).

Emily rolled for the first time since I last wrote but she hasn't done it since! She frequently rolls onto her side but that's it. She is getting pretty good at grabbing onto toys and she has reached the toe grabbing stage too - I will often find her with her socks half pulled off!

On Monday morning I get to take Oliver for his audiologist appointment so we'll see what comes of that. He seems happy in himself which is a good thing. Check out the video of him on here - he found this toy in Emily's stuff (I think it was a hand me down from cousins Morgan and Rowan) and apparently it's the funniest thing ever!

Oliver met another Oliver at the Brits meetup and they had a go at some fishing!

Oliver having a splashing time in the big pool!

Oliver and Mikayla on July 4th

Emily can now grab on to the toys on her chair

Oliver enjoying an ice cream outside

Emily obviously enjoys reading just like her big brother!

Oliver went with Daddy into a liquor store the other day and the lady working there gave him a cuddly banana - weird, but cute!

Scoop on her birthday :)

Emily watching the world cup final

Scoop is very gentle with Emily just like she always was with Oliver - I'm sure I have a few pics like this from when he was a baby

Meeting Sophie the giraffe!

Emily's hand and foot impressions - we got the same thing done for Oliver when he was 4 weeks old

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