Oliver has been perfecting his version of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star recently. He likes to sing it to Emily in the bath. Amazingly he sang it for me today while I got it on video - and he even added some Bob the Builder as well. We hope you enjoy it!! He has also been posing for lots of photos with his cars and trains. Now I have an iphone with me most of the time he realises that I can take pictures very easily without having to run for the camera so he exploits that and now my phone is full of random pictures of trains and cars! But there are some good pictures of him smiling!!
Emily continues to thrive and the sickness does seem to be a little better. We take it day by day as each day seems different. She is now taking a bottle from Jon before bed every night to give me a break and get her used to other people giving her milk. Last night she wasn't interested in it and had to see me but tonight she took it without a problem. So hopefully we'll get into a routine with that like we did with Oliver. She is now waking once in the night (well, midnight/1am then 5/6am) but she does stay awake for around an hour during the night. It's tough but I guess I'd rather get up once than twice!!
Oliver has now taken to getting books off his bookcase every morning before we go to get him up. Invariably we'll find him with 4 or 5 books in bed! He does love his reading and has totally gone off watching TV. He went through a phase of watching bits of the Cars movie every day but now he doesn't even want it on. Just one of those things - he is obsessed by things for a few days and then wants nothing more to do with them!! Ah, toddlers :))
Such a lovely smile - looking so much like Daddy again!
Oliver insisted on playing underneath the bear with Emily
Entranced by the toys
Oliver has to take his digger to the playground whenever we go
Looking very cute in an outfit sent by Niki and Ellis
I gave the Bumbo another try - this was the result this time around!
A little smile :)
And a big cheesy grin from Oliver who is showing off one of his cars!!
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