Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Hi!! I just dropped Oliver off at daycare for the morning. It's getting better but he still has tears in his eyes when I leave him and now he waves and says bye to me as he's crying :( I just have to turn around and walk out quickly and you can guarantee that when I go back to pick him up he'll be having a great time playing and will hardly notice me walk in the room!!

Oliver's talking is coming on slowly but his favourite word by far is "no" (very closely followed by Daddy!). The only problem is that "no" can mean "yes" and sometimes it's hard to tell what he means. The true test is when you ask him a question you know he'll say "yes" to, e.g., "Oliver, would you like fish sticks for dinner?". This is always going to be a yes even if he's eaten them for the past x days beforehand. I took a quick video of him this morning saying "no" but at least he managed to say "Daddy" and "burger" too :) He also loves to say "Hi Nanna" and "Bye Nanna" when he speaks to Nanna Pan on the webcam every week!!

I think he is also becoming aware of the baby. If we ask him where Mummy's baby is normally he'll point at my tummy and sometimes he'll give it a kiss as well :) But...... if you ask him where Daddy's baby is then Daddy's tummy gets pointed at and the same with Oliver's baby etc etc.!!! I finished painting the baby's room last week and a friend of mine is going to make the curtains so now all we have to do is get the furniture in there and some wall hangings. Speaking of the baby, it has started to get very active in the past few days and I am being kicked left, right and centre whenever I sit down and relax! It's a great feeling at the moment - probably not so much when the space becomes more limited ;)

Oliver has started sleeping in his big bed at nap times! I started this on Friday and so far he has napped without a problem 3 out of the 4 times. At night time he still wants to go in the cot so I'm not pushing it yet but this is a good start and I hope it continues :) The funny thing is that he hasn't worked out that he can get out of the bed himself. He'll wake up and still wait for me to come and get him!!

Thursday is Thanksgiving so Daddy gets to have a four day weekend - yippee!! Just as well, seeing as he is the parent of choice at the moment ;))

The new rubber glove fetish. It doesn't extend to actually washing the dishes though!

Oliver came to the end of class ceremony for the Hennepin County Sheriff's Office Citizen Academy that I attended and got a Junior Deputy badge :)


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