It has been a busy couple of weeks for us. This past week Grandad Graham and Dawn came out to visit which was a lot of fun. They were only here for 5 days but we visited the arboretum and the sculpture garden, ate out a few times and spent one evening with Ray and Sandy. Oliver just loved having Graham around - Oliver thought he was pretty funny :)) Graham just seems to be on the same wavelength as kids, ha ha!! Graham and Dawn even got interviewed by a local news channel when we were at the arboretum but sadly they didn't make it on to TV - they were quoted by the reporter though! Oliver managed to say Graham a couple of times but mostly called him "boobaa" which is the same word he uses for Grandpa Ray. Yesterday when we watched Graham and Dawn go through airport security he said "byeee boobaa" which was just lovely. Matt, Jennifer and Mikayla came to Ray and Sandy's on Wednesday night as well. Oliver and Mikayla were running around the basement like mad things! They played so great together - and puckered up a number of times for a kiss but I just couldn't catch it on camera. So cute :)
The week before Graham came out we were all sick with nasty colds which was no fun at all. Oliver also got a strange rash for a couple of days which we thought was chickenpox but obviously wasn't as it disappeared. So, we were stuck in the house for a few days going crazy. Oliver's finger is still in a splint but we are able to take it off on Tuesday. He had it x-rayed again which did show a very small fracture so they wanted him to keep the splint on for another couple of weeks. Oliver has been very good with it and seems to prefer having it on but it will be great to take it off for good this week. And it'll be far easier to get his gloves on!!
Ah yes, gloves! Boy has it been cold!! We had our first snowfall of the season on October 10th. Nothing very much but still a bit of a shock to the system. We've had a couple more snowfalls since then and I think the first two weeks of October have been the coldest on record. It is much nicer this weekend and we are enjoying a couple of warmer and sunnier days.
Monday is Oliver's first morning at daycare so I am frantically getting everything ready for him. I am almost there - just making sure his name is on all his clothes! Hopefully he enjoys it and doesn't miss me too much ;)) Tuesday is my next doctor's appointment - the belly is getting bigger and I think I'm feeling some movement but nothing too much as yet.
The return of the snow....
Not very impressed with this year's winter gear!
Checking out the pumpkins at the arboretum
The big kid and the small kid playing cars
Oliver pretty much drank all of Graham's lemonade!
In Grandpa's basement
Mikayla and OIiver being the crazy cousins!! I just love the last picture - it looks like Mikayla is finding Oliver's bottom highly amusing!!
Walking through the sculpture garden - Oliver only wanted to hold Graham's hand
Drinking Graham's lemonade - AGAIN!!
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