If you haven't heard the news yet, we are expecting another baby!! I am about 12.5 weeks along now and the baby is due around the end of March. As you can see from the photo I am looking rather big already ;) I decided to spare you all from bare bump pictures this time - I'm just more sensitive about it, LOL!!! I am feeling well - no nausea and haven't gone off cheese like I did with Oliver. Just very tired! I had a scan about 3 weeks ago now (see pic below). I thought I was only 7 weeks then but the baby measured 3 weeks ahead so either I worked it out wrong or I am having a giant baby :D Anyway, watch this space for more scan pics and the growing bump! First proper docs appt is in a couple of weeks.
So, Oliver will have to perfect the art of sharing and he can start by sharing his website! Actually, he's pretty good at sharing with other children and I really think he'll be a great big brother. He loves to help so hopefully that won't change in the next 6 months as I think I'm going to need him :)
Last weekend was Labor Day over here so Jon had the Monday off. I can't for the life of me remember what we did on the Monday though - baby brain!! But on the Sunday we went to Ray and Sandy's for a BBQ which was great as always. Oliver was a little cranky so we ended up taking him home fairly early. He still wasn't napping last weekend but I am pleased to say he is back on schedule with it now. He was very cranky one afternoon this week after we'd been out on a play date so I tried putting him down and he went off to sleep. We are now on the 5th day in a row I think - bliss!!!
On Thursday morning I decided to go to a new store opening in Maple Grove. It was for a department store called Nordstrom Rack. Anyway, it was absolute chaos there!! Oliver and I queued around the building and then fought our way to the back of the shop - I was looking for some boots and of course they were right at the back!! But it was a successful trip on that score and Oliver got his picture taken queueing outside! If I find it on the web I'll try and grab a copy.
Other than that it has been play date crazy this week - 3 out of the 5 mornings I think! But that's the way we like it - lots of fun to be had while the weather is still nice. One new word this week - Bob! This was when Jon was reading him a Bob the Builder book :) Oh, and one thing that has really amazed me is what Oliver's eating at the moment. He just loves to snack on baby carrots and celery ;) I am not complaining - long may it last!
I almost forgot Oliver's latest height and weight stats! He weighs 31lbs 15oz (90th percentile) and is 36.5 inches tall (95th percentile). He is going to put me in the shade before I know it!
Hey Mum - over there!
Oliver and Mikayla playing cars at Grandpa and Grandma's
Giving his friend Rowen's trike a spin :)
Awwww :) I am loving this picture I took of Oliver at yesterday's play date :D
Yesterday again - all the kids having fun on the swing set (Oliver is poking his head through at the top!)

The first picture of Baby Jozwiak 2!
Oliver attempting to climb the climbing frame! He actually did it himself more than once but as soon as the camera came out he couldn't do it ;)
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