Yesterday was Mother's Day here in the US - time for Mum to be spoiled :) On Saturday Jon and Oliver went out and came back with the flowers pictured above. Oliver handed them to me when they came in! Apparently he chose them himself - I nearly got a sunflower but he changed his mind :)
On the actual day I had breakfast in bed and I got a card and some pressies - chocolates, sweets and a cookbook I wanted. Oliver is helping me with the sweets so we are on a ration of two a day! After nap time we went off to Ridgedale Mall and Oliver had some play time. Then in the evening Jon and I had one of our favourite meals of risotto and we watched the Grand Prix :) All in all a very good day!
Oliver can now walk down the stairs on his own without holding on to anything! He did it for the first time last week and now does it most of the time although on occasion he loses confidence and wants to hold someone's hand. He also likes to drink his water from a proper water bottle like Mummy and Daddy. This is great because he drinks more water but he also tends to spill quite a lot :) This morning we went to a play date and the plan is to head to the zoo on Wednesday but that may not happen as rain is forecast :( Oh well, we'll find something to keep us amused I'm sure!
Playing at Lake Calhoun
Oliver just had to wear a hat :)
On the verge of tears??
Playing peek-a-boo in the kitchen cabinet
Mummy and Oliver on Mother's Day
Oliver's first go on an amusement ride
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