Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The potty, zoo and more!!

A mixed bag of stories for you this time :))

Today Oliver and I went to Minnesota Zoo and met up with another mum and baby (well, 2 year old Owen). Most of what we saw was inside so we didn't get too cold although today was just beautiful weather anyway. The sun was shining and nearly all of the snow melted from the driveway. Oliver seemed to have a lot of fun looking at the animals and walked the whole time. He only napped for half an hour on the way home and then we took Scoop out for a short walk as well. I have a feeling he'll sleep well tonight. It was nice to finally get out after last week's nasty weather.

Yesterday we went and played in the snow in the garden. Oliver just wanted to crawl through it and bury his hands as deep as possible in the snow!! He did that again today and just sat there giggling :)

At the weekend we bought Oliver a potty so we can be prepared for when he wants to start being a big boy! We have it in his bathroom and he thinks it's just great. The first night we had it we got him undressed for the bath and sat him on the potty for a giggle and he did a wee :)) We were very shocked and he hasn't done it again but we are making a habit of doing this before his bath anyway.

This past week Oliver's talking has come on in leaps and bounds. He is trying to copy us and say so many things such as: cupcake, caterpillar, butterfly, bubble...there are probably loads more that I can't think of right now. Most of the words he picks up from us reading to him so I'm glad all that time seems to be paying off :)

Yesterday was Obama's inauguration. I was watching it on TV when the Obama's were walking along the road waving at the crowds and I got a short video of Oliver waving back - love it!!

The aftermath of chocolate pudding at dinner!

Getting hugs from the big polar bear

Hard to see but it says -20F which pretty much summed up last week

The icicle of doom hanging off our roof

Wearing Daddy's hat

Feed me!!!!

Owen was showing Oliver how to wash his hands in the fish tank!

Checking out the snow monkeys

Snowy gloves :)

Scoop got in my shot after hearing a dog bark!

The cool dude found his sunglasses in the wardrobe!

Loving my zebra!

Sitting by the aquarium

The boys took a liking to the turtle!

Snack time :)

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