Hi everyone and Merry Christmas!! Wow, what a tiring but fun few days we've had. On Christmas Eve we went to Grandpa and Grandma's house for a family get together with them and Jennifer, Matt and Mikayla. We all got to open our presents together and of course the kids were thoroughly spoiled! We were amazed at how good Oliver was at opening his gifts - something that continued on Christmas Day! He got the hang of it very quickly so he'll be an expert by the time his birthday and next Christmas come around! We also got to webcam with Granny Colleen in New York. It was a surprise for her which I think she enjoyed :) Oliver and Mikayla opened their presents from her so she could see. It was great fun!
Yesterday the three of us spent Christmas Day at home together. Oliver got up about 7am and his stocking was waiting for him outside his bedroom. You'll see his reaction in the video below!! There were tons of presents under the tree and it literally took all day for him to open them (and we had to put them together in between times!!). He now has so many toys our playroom is stacked!! We were on the webcam with the family in England twice during the day which was great. It was the first time I'd seen my sister, brother-in-law and nephews since I'd left England so it was very special for me :)) The whole Christmas thing completely exhausted Oliver. He had a morning nap as normal but sadly we misjudged when he was tired again in the afternoon. He normally only has one nap during the day but yesterday he definitely needed two! Anyway, we set him down at 4:30pm for a short nap and had to wake him up at 5pm for dinner. Let's just say he really didn't want dinner and just wanted bed!!!
Today we've just been at home playing with all the new presents. Our friends Justin and Angie came over this afternoon with their little boy, Logan. He is almost two so he had fun playing with Oliver and all his toys!!
Well, I have a ton of photos to put on so I'll get on and do that! Enjoy the light switching on video - this happens every afternoon ;)
A couple of pictures showing how much snow we've had - I think Morgan and Rowan enjoyed seeing this on the webcam yesterday!
An unusual present to find under the tree......
Mikayla and Oliver playing peekaboo at Grandpa and Grandma's house
Opening presents with Mummy
The first step to becoming a guitar hero like his Daddy :)
I'm way too busy to actually look at the camera.....
Opening presents from Granny
Where's Oliver??!!
There he is!! Trying to make his escape from the highchair....
Jennifer made this bear for Oliver and as soon as he pulled it out of the box he gave it a big kiss - aaaah!!!
Here Dad - you probably need another beer :)
Back to the present opening on Christmas morning - these are from Aunty Margaret and Uncle John
Opening and crawling through the playtent from Nanna Pan
On my bounce and spin zebra from Aunty Mary and Uncle Malcolm
Trying out my new dressing gown from the Curry's!
OK, whose bright idea was it to buy a drum and musical instruments??? Oh, mine......
With my new truck from Mike and Jackie
I wasn't quick enough to get the picture of Logan and Oliver both leaning into the toy box!!
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