On Sunday it was Mother's Day here in the UK and I got my first cards from my little boy!! He made one at nursery which had his footprints on it and I got a lovely card which had photos of the two of us. Too bad he spent the day being crabby!!
This week I am off work so I am enjoying my time hanging out with Oliver. He is so chatty these days and he has learned to shake his head from side to side which he seems to think is the funniest thing. I don't think he's worked out it means "no" yet!! Yesterday he rolled from his back to his front and back again for the first time. I missed the second part of it though! He is very strong when on his belly and can push himself high up off the ground. We have started our second term of swimming which he still seems to enjoy. He can splash in the water with his hands very well and sometimes kicks his legs although he prefers to stare at the flags hanging from the ceiling!! In two weeks time Jon gets to go with him as I have to work so he is coming this week to learn all the songs, LOL!!!
Aaah, the poor little guy is crying behind me - must be nap time!! Oh, and we'd like to officially welcome the arrival of Jennifer and Matt's daughter - Mikayla Rae - who arrived on Feb 29th - how cool is that??!!!!
Great hood curtain!!
Sitting up -without help this time!
Doing push-ups
Looking like a cool 80's dude with my walkman!!
Mother's Day pic
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