Hello everyone! Well, as the title suggests it has been quite an exciting weekend in the life of little Oliver. Yesterday he went to his first swimming lesson! It was his first time in a pool and he seemed to really love it. As soon as he got in he was kicking his legs and smiling. I was so relieved as I didn't know how it would go, despite the fact he loves his baths. We are now looking forward to the next class!
Today I gave Oliver some baby rice for the first time since we tried before Christmas. He has been having a lot of milk lately and crying pretty much as soon as the bottle was empty so I thought it was time to give it a go again. Well, he had 3/4 of his milk then 4 small spoons of rice and finished his bottle!! He was quite smiley during it as well so I think it went better than before. I am prepared for the full weaning process and have begun pureeing fruit and veg for him (we have carrot and pear so far!). Let's just say he was completely exhausted at bed time tonight!!
Jon went off to Argentina yesterday and called this afternoon to say he had arrived safely (into the lovely warm weather as opposed to the nasty cold windy rubbish we have - boo!!!!). I put the phone to Oliver's ear so Jon could say hi and Oliver grabbed the phone and started licking it!! Anyway, he had twisted his body round to lick the phone and ended up doing a full roll from his back to his belly!! This was the first time he had rolled completely over so we were both very excited!!
Apart from all that, Oliver is now a big chatterbox. He spends most of his day squealing in delight at something which is just lovely to hear. He isn't upset very often and when he is it's normally solved quite easily (Calpol did the trick last night - teeth I think!!). So, at the moment it looks like we're in for a very chatty little boy who loves swimming - could be worse!!!
How I ended up after rolling over!
Scoop giving Oliver kisses - yuk!
Looking cute in my raincoat and Ugg boots from the Curry family
A wave for my adoring family and friends - aaaah!!
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