Well, Nanna Pan's visit is over and she's probably walking through the door at home as I write. We had a great 10 days with her but the time went very quickly. On the day she arrived the temperature was 70 but four days later she got to see some snow and experience somewhat colder weather!! We did lots of shopping (Mall of America, Ridgedale, Albertville) and had one day being cultural visiting the State Capitol in St Paul and Lake Calhoun :) She made a wonderful Christmas/Thanksgiving dinner on the Sunday and we had Ray, Sandy, Matt, Jennifer and Mikayla over to celebrate early with us. Obviously Nanna and Oliver had some great bonding time and he even managed to say Nanna a couple of times while she was here! We also went to the theatre - Sandy, Mum and I went to see Menopause the Musical, LOL!!! It was pretty funny. Then we went over to Macy's to see their Christmas display (A Day in the Life of an Elf). We may try to take Oliver to see it as I'm sure he'd love the bright lights and moving figures. Apart from that, we did lots of eating out!!
Mum coped with the flight very well and didn't suffer too much with jetlag. The language barrier proved a slight problem at the start but it was all fine by the end of the week. Here's why..... we were in Target and this is what happened:
Target employee: Are you finding everything ok?
Mum: Yes, are you??
Ha ha ha!!! Mum thought he was asking her if she was OK :) Sorry Mum, had to put that on here as it was hilarious!!
I am missing Mum being around as she was fantastic with Oliver when I had jobs to do. Now I have baby permanently wrapped around my legs again!! And his new thing is screaming at the top of his lungs to get attention or something he wants. It's driving me crazy and I hope it doesn't last too long!
Here are some pics of the visit. We hope you come back again Nanna Pan :))

Oliver found a new toy - a tin that previously had a bottle of perfume in it!

What's in here??!

Mummy and Oliver

Playing at the Ridgedale Centre

I had to take Oliver outside to play in the snow - too bad he wouldn't keep his gloves on so we weren't out there long!

Nanna discovered a new tea time game - yoghurt pot and spoon!

Ready for dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's house

Daddy, Oliver and Scoop - not too sure what Oliver's trying to do here!

Mikayla being her usual cutie!

Grandma, Mikayla and Oliver

Christmas dinner

Silly hat time!

Even Scoop took part!

And Mikayla of course (Oliver had turned crabby by this point and was in bed!!)

A lovely morning at Lake Calhoun

Being cultural at the State Capitol!

Mum standing on a map of Minnesota in Hennepin County (where we live)

You can see who rules the roost when it comes to getting some warmth in our house!!

A snowy morning in Champlin!