Monday, June 20, 2011

Parties and boating!

Grandpa has his new boat so we got to take a ride last weekend. Oliver was excited to go on but was a little nervous when we actually got on board. However, it didn't take him long to get used to it and he was soon walking around the boat and having a go at steering! Emily did not like her lifevest one little bit but, again, once she was on the boat she absolutely loved it!! Even I didn't mind it - much better than a jetski ;)

Oliver went to a birthday party for one of his school friends last weekend and had a lot of fun. She had a bouncy castle and a pinata so you can guess what the requests are for his birthday..... All I can say is the release of Cars 2 is perfect timing because he is Lightning McQueen mad and therefore not difficult to buy for! He is also a big fan of Olivia and I got a video of him reading his library book (well, he's memorised it!).

I think the last time I blogged the temperature here reached 103F. It was pretty crazy! Since then it's been pretty changeable and we are in for a rainy few days now. Where is summer??!!

This week Emily will be 15 months and gets to go in for her MMR shot and maybe some others. She is doing well and can now say Daddy and Bye bye pretty clearly. She's still a shy little thing though and will hang on to my legs and hide behind me if she's unsure of something or someone. I just laugh at her!!! Such a sympathetic mum ;)

OK, I'm waffling! Not much news this time - sorry!

Wiped out - but holding on tight to the snacks!
Trying out the new beanbag chair
Oliver likes it too :)
Oliver in his Lightning McQueen lifevest
And Emily has a Nemo one!! She cried for a little while when we first put it on.
James' lifevest is as big as him!
Oliver looking a bit nervous before we set sail :)
But that all changed and he even had a go at driving!
The 3 kids checking out the scenery
Emily LOVED it!!
BBQ and cupcakes after the boat ride
Babysitting our friend Jackson - Emily got to try out Oliver's chair :)
Pretty in pink :)
She thinks she's quite cute.....
Running to give mum a flower :)
Trying out the wolf ears
Oliver looking just like his daddy
Our friends Celia and Nya helping Emily out
Emily modelling as a cowgirl thanks to Nya's dress up skills
And then she got dressed up with a flower hat!

Translation: "Wipe that glop off your face young lady and get in the car, now!"

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Warm weather - finally!!! Well actually it's too hot today. We're never happy!!!

It's been an exciting week as Oliver and Emily welcomed their new cousin, James, into the world (Mikayla's little brother). He was born in the early hours of Memorial Day so we went to see him later that day. He is, of course, gorgeous, and Oliver was very excited to go and choose a gift for him - he chose a bear blankie so James could have a special bear just like him. Aaaah!! Grandma Colleen has been visiting since last Wednesday and is on her way back home now so the kids got to spend some time with her over the weekend.

My good friend Niki is also here at the moment for work but she stayed with us on Friday night and brought the kids some great pressies as usual. Oliver got cars so he was over the moon :) Emily got some very pretty clothes. In fact, she has been spoiled for new clothes over the past week and is pretty much wearing something new each day!! Seriously, there is way too much cute stuff out there for girls and it's hard to resist :)

Emily is a walking machine now and pretty much walks everywhere at home and she's getting pretty fast too. When we are out and about she's a little more cautious, however. I put her down when we went to pick Oliver up from school today and she opted to crawl rather than walk! I bought her first pair of proper shoes yesterday so she is all set to walk outside now.

Oliver is doing great, especially with potty training which has come on in leaps and bounds over the past week. He is getting close to being able to have that big present we've been talking about for months (he asks about it every time he performs!). School is also going well - the teachers were telling me this morning how they were using stilts today and Oliver said he was getting frustrated. They thought that was pretty funny!! Tonight is the last swimming lesson of the spring session and next week Oliver will be moving up to the next class. He is doing really well and Emily has also started enjoying herself a lot more over the past 3 weeks. Next session I will be taking her in the mornings when Oliver is in school.

Yummy ice cream treat at Old Chicago. The trouble is that Oliver now expects one of these every time we eat out......
Hi everyone!
Daddy and Oliver hanging out by the fire
Oliver eating smores - he didn't really like them all together but preferred to eat the individual components!!
Roasting a marshmallow
This is about as far as my hair styling goes!! And then we lost the clip anyway :(
Me having hugs with baby James :)
So content!
We went to Chipotle to eat after visiting James. Emily adored the black beans!!!
Someone's been drinking too much grape juice!!!
This is how Emily holds a telephone! She'll babble quite happily to whoever is on the other end.
One of Emily's fantastic facial expressions!
Oliver sharing a boat with his sister - love!!
Emily trying out a new hat that my friend Deb made for her. There is a gorgeous matching cardi to go with it :)
Trying out some new cute leggings :)
Oliver now insists on having a "flag cart" when we go grocery shopping. He LOVES helping and filling his cart up. He just needs to work on turning it because it's toppled over a couple of times!
Emily hanging out with Nico at a play date yesterday. Emily had just handed Nico the cup - I'm not even sure it was his but she was trying to help :)
Emily had loads of fun in the pool yesterday!
The kids cooling off in the hot weather
Emily taking a break - the heat made her sleepy :)
New shoes!! Great for taking off all the time :)