Monday, January 31, 2011

10 months old

Emily turned 10 months old 10 days ago. I think she is celebrating by getting more teeth! As expected, she seems to be getting them in quick succession and she now has 4 at the top and more on the way. Other than that she is now a super fast crawler and quite hard to keep up with although Oliver manages quite well. He loves to crawl around with her and make her laugh. The pair of them have me in hysterics sometimes!

I am sitting here watching it snow again (of course because I just cleared 3 inches or so it has to put another lot on the driveway!!). We are all so ready for winter to be over so we can go outside and play. It really does get you down after a while. But tomorrow is February!! Each day is closer to spring :)

Still haven't got anything really of note to report but the kids are doing just great. Oliver's speech is improving each day and sometimes he comes out with the most amazing random comments!! He loves to sing and dance and it would appear that his new hobby is eating. Seriously, he is a bottomless pit at the moment. For breakfast today he ate Cheerios, blueberries, pineapple, toast with peanut butter, a granola bar and a banana!! And then he asked for an apple but I thought I would stop there! Don't get me wrong, his new found passion for food is fantastic and I am all for encouraging it but there are limits!! We are also working a bit more on potty training but it's a slow process. Some days he is far more interested than others but we'll get there.

Here are the latest photos and vids for you!!

If Emily is having her picture taken Oliver has to have his done too

Silly Oliver!!

Breakfast time smiles :)

And more smiles :))

A new outfit from the Curry clan!

Enjoying the cars at the play place we go to on a Wednesday

Celia and Oliver as Queen and King of the castle :)

Staring at the curtains!

Look at the airplane Mum built for me!!

Happiness is Home Depot on a Saturday morning with popcorn!

And a trip in a fire truck at the furniture store later on!

A brief stop for a cookie in the furniture store (a great reason to go furniture shopping!)

Oliver and Celia enjoying the snacks at a "Meet the Dads" event on Saturday

Emily and Max

Oliver LOVED Connect 4!!

A tired Emily still enjoying the party

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sickness :(

We are at the end of a week of sick people in this house - ugh! It started with Emily last Thursday, then I felt unwell Friday and Oliver finally got it on Saturday. Jon escaped the sickness bug but still hasn't been feeling great. Poor Oliver got hit hardest though and only started feeling better yesterday afternoon. Yes, I am sick of winter and sick of sick!!! And, on top of all that, Emily finally got a couple new teeth so that probably didn't make her feel any better. I'm glad that some have come through at last though.

So, it's been a quiet couple of weeks really. A few play dates here and there and just taking it easy. It's freezing cold at the moment anyway so not really the weather to go out very far. We are approaching record snowfall for Minnesota and we are only just halfway through the season so it'll be interesting to see what the totals are once it's all melted!

Emily is now the proud holder of her US passport so I guess we can go travelling now!! Still need to sort out the UK one though which is just a little more complicated. Dual citizenship, I don't know!! We aren't actually planning any trips but it's always nice to have the necessary things should we want or need to.

Here are the latest pics and vids for you. Sorry there's not much news but you only come on here for the pictures, right??!!

Smiley :)

Pensive..... Oh, and I wanted to get her this jacket for ages and eventually got it on clearance for about $4 - bargain!!!

Oh yeah, sibling love!!!!

Oliver giving his friend Celia a ride on the fire truck. Love :))

In da hood!

Silly billy!

So proud of his long line of cars :)

Roary PJs from Aunty Steph!

Trying out one of Daddy's hats!

The first time with a princess wand and not looking too impressed - phew!! The less princesses the better :)

Oliver having fun with his friend Matthew. Really - they were both laughing so hard it was silly!

Who, me?

Maybe they'll both have good teeth. Here's hoping!

Seriously - this is Emily's toy and Oliver LOVES it!
Oliver loves to sing "Dynamite" by Taio Cruz. This isn't his best performance as he's whispering so I will keep trying to get a better version :)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy New Year!

Wow, it's so quiet around here now :( The Curry's left on Wednesday night and I'm only just getting used to them not being around. Everyone had such a great time together!! I fully expected Oliver to be really upset when he got up on Thursday morning and realised his cousins were gone but he has been remarkably upbeat and is looking forward to seeing them on Skype sometime soon.

We had a fun last few days before they went home. Rowan celebrated his 5th birthday and had to have an ice cream cake to celebrate!! And, of course, more present opening. It was also New Year's Eve but I'm deliberately not posting any pictures past the kid's bedtime - ha ha!!!

On Tuesday it was Jon's birthday so yet more present opening. The kids were all too willing to help him out with that task!

On the Wednesday morning we went to the Eagle's Nest and the kids had a good play. Apparently Morgan didn't play enough as I hear he didn't sleep at all on the plane ;)) Anyway, remarkably all the pressies and Steph's shopping fitted in the suitcases and everyone and everything got safely home.

Emily has had her 9 month check up at the docs and remains in the 95th centiles for weight and height. She is now 22lbs 0.5oz and I think 29.5 inches tall. You can tell she's shot up in height as her 12 month shirts are getting too short :) She loves to stand up now and has taken a couple of steps holding on to furniture. I have a feeling we will have a walker before her birthday. Still no more teeth coming through but she's still showing all the signs so maybe we'll wake up one morning and she'll have sprouted a few in one go!!

Oliver is doing great and, like I said, has been in a really good mood for the most part. You may spot some bruises on his face in these photos - he had the tantrum of all tantrums when he was in timeout in his bedroom and somehow slammed his face into something but we're not sure what. Anyway, it's almost gone now and he's none the worse for it. Today he was baking cookies with Daddy while Mummy was at work and I got to sample the results when I got home - yum!!

Right - lots of pics again for you!!!

Morgan was a wonderful big cousin with Emily and spent lots of time pushing her around on the digger!

Chocolate spread!!

Rowan with his birthday pressies :)

Oliver and Mikayla had a crazy time with the balloons

Rowan with his new friend Mikayla (he was a bit of a flirt actually!!!)

I'm not sure what got Morgan so excited but I love this picture :)

Mikayla trying out Oliver's slippers (after he was in bed.....)

Mmmmm, green frosting!!

Oliver showing off his Thomas sweater

Not sure what is going on with Oliver here.......

.....but that's better!!!

It's Uncle Jon's birthday - yey!!!

A typical Oliver smile :)

Emily at the Eagle's Nest

Her first time in a ball pit!! She pretty much sank in it! Doesn't she look angelic in this picture thanks to the light!

Morgan doing more great work playing with baby Emily

Happy girl after nap and milk

Oliver wearing his wolf ears from the waterpark

Oliver amazed by Emily's snug bugs!!

Playing with kitchen she got from Nanna Pan and Funny Michael