As the title suggests I have a ton of photos to upload here so I'll try and keep the update short!!!
This week Jon has gone back to work so it's just been me, Oliver and Emily at home. Oliver has been an absolute superstar so far - a complete transformation from last week. He loves to help me with Emily and tries to involve her in his games. This is a little difficult when he wants to race cars!! Today he has been helping me carry her in the car seat :) But he really didn't want to go to school on Monday and Tuesday as he was too sad to leave Emily. He did OK once he was there but it was really hard for me to leave him.
Emily is doing really well at night time. She wakes up twice most nights, although she only woke up once the other night!! And she goes back to sleep just fine most times. Hopefully she'll be as good at sleeping as Oliver always has been.

Oliver opening his new T-ball set from Grandma Colleen. We took it outside today for the first time!!

Another favourite place to sleep - Emily's pillow as Oliver likes to call it

Uncle Matt showing baby Emily to Mikayla

Uncle Matt was pretty good at pacifying baby Emily (and being spat up on.....)

Resting in the chair - again!

I'm not convinced Mikayla was enjoying this as much as Oliver!

Playing with the trains and cars

Mikayla had a lot of fun with Oliver's Mr Potato Head!!!

Mikayla and Oliver enjoying the swings

Lounging with Mummy


Sticking her tongue out :)

Oliver playing race cars on the train table - quite possibly his favourite game.

Mikayla watching over her baby cousin

Oliver having a giggle with Daddy

The happy parents :))

Grandma Colleen with the kids

The happy family - even Scoop!!!

Opening presents from Grandma Colleen

Grandma getting cuddles with baby Emily

Ha ha!!! Emily dressed up for her first Scoop walk :)

Oliver eating his favourite lunchtime food - cheesy rice cakes!!

Just chilling!

Snack time - milk, granola bar and Cars!

Emily slept on Mike for about 3 hours the other night!!

Awwwww - this is sibling love!! Oliver makes sure the vibrating chair is switched on and even rocks the chair sometimes!

Emily sure looks cute in pink - one of the tops Nanna Pan sent from England
This afternoon I took Emily to the doctors for her first appointment. She weighed in at 9lbs 5oz so she's back to her birth weight plus a couple of ounces. She is on the 95th centiles for both height and weight so looks like she's going to grow big and tall like her brother! She is already very strong and can lift her head when on her tummy and she really doesn't need much support on her neck. Her next visit will be at 8 weeks when she gets her first shots - boo :((
Oliver has been excellent this week at counting and colours. When we were out in the car today he would tell me what colour the other cars were and he got them all pretty much right (some colours like silver and gold are still a bit tricky!). And the other night he was counting his cars and counted all the way up to seven without any help at all. This was the first time he'd counted anywhere past one so I was just amazed.
Anyway, here are all the photos as promised. Have a very happy Easter weekend everyone :)
Oliver opening his new T-ball set from Grandma Colleen. We took it outside today for the first time!!
Another favourite place to sleep - Emily's pillow as Oliver likes to call it
Uncle Matt showing baby Emily to Mikayla
Uncle Matt was pretty good at pacifying baby Emily (and being spat up on.....)
Resting in the chair - again!
I'm not convinced Mikayla was enjoying this as much as Oliver!
Playing with the trains and cars
Mikayla had a lot of fun with Oliver's Mr Potato Head!!!
Mikayla and Oliver enjoying the swings
Lounging with Mummy
Sticking her tongue out :)
Oliver playing race cars on the train table - quite possibly his favourite game.
Mikayla watching over her baby cousin
Oliver having a giggle with Daddy
The happy parents :))
Grandma Colleen with the kids
The happy family - even Scoop!!!
Opening presents from Grandma Colleen
Grandma getting cuddles with baby Emily
Ha ha!!! Emily dressed up for her first Scoop walk :)
Oliver eating his favourite lunchtime food - cheesy rice cakes!!
Just chilling!
Snack time - milk, granola bar and Cars!
Emily slept on Mike for about 3 hours the other night!!
Awwwww - this is sibling love!! Oliver makes sure the vibrating chair is switched on and even rocks the chair sometimes!
Emily sure looks cute in pink - one of the tops Nanna Pan sent from England