Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Video crazy!

I had a bit of a crazy day getting some videos of Oliver so thought I would upload them! This morning we went to a cookie decorating play date which was lots of fun. Of course it snowed today so spring has taken a break but the cookies reminded us that it really is spring! We went via Target so we could pick up some sprinkles for the cookies and I was a complete pushover when Oliver pointed to a ball he wanted. As I said last time, he does need some outside things so I thought it would be good for that when the weather cheers up again - and it was less than $3 :)

Yesterday I took Oliver to Toddler Tuesday at the Mall of America. The Teddy Bear Band was playing and Oliver really enjoyed it and had a little dance!! Afterwards we went and had lunch together (kids eat free day as well at some places) and he ate lots of grilled cheese sandwich!

He is sooooo much happier than last week it is a world of difference. I much prefer the happy version of Oliver :)

Busy putting frosting on the cookies (and his England top....)

If only I hadn't got my finger in this shot - he was having a crazy giggling moment!!

I let Oliver eat his lunch at the big table today which he loved!

Monday, March 23, 2009

A poorly Oliver :(

Last week was a tough one in the Jozwiak household. After writing last Monday that Oliver had turned into Mr Crabby, it all became clear why on Tuesday. I took his temperature and it was 40C (not 40F as I put on Facebook, LOL!!). He just really wasn't himself - not eating, very tired, not interested in toys, very whingey etc etc. I took him off to the docs but there wasn't anything obvious going on and they prescribed some antibiotics as his tonsils were a little red. On Wednesday he was just very tired all day and on Thursday he spent most of the day screaming in pain. So off I went back to the docs but all they could say was he had some sort of virus. Thankfully he has perked up a little bit every day since Friday so I guess we'll never know what was happening. It's nice to get my cheeky little boy back :)

Today we hosted our first play date at our house. Three of our mummy friends and their kids came over this morning for a couple of hours. It was really lovely and a nice way to spend a rainy Monday morning. Oliver was much more sociable than he has been before and the other kids seemed to enjoy all the toys. He then had a 2 hour nap as soon as everyone left so that was nice too!! We may get a visit from another friend tomorrow morning as she couldn't make it today. And on Wednesday we are going to a cookie decorating party at someone else's house. So a fairly busy week in store. And I'm going to try and get to the dentist again as Oliver screamed the place down when I went on Thursday and I had to leave - oops!

Two new words from Oliver yesterday - duck and cake!! I baked a lot of cakes over the weekend so that probably accounts for that one .

Not too many pics again I'm afraid but he wasn't really in the mood last week!

We need to buy some outdoor toys for Oliver, although a plastic bottle from the recycling bin did the trick yesterday! And the horseshoes made a cool "dinging" sound!

Standing on the porch of the playhouse - still with the bottle of course.....

Oliver at the play date this morning - I think he is mid snack ;)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Sunny weather at last!

This past weekend was the last weekend of winter and what beautiful weather we had. And today it is reaching 61F which is just amazing!! It's been so nice to get out and about with Oliver and Scoop. Oliver has had fun running around the garden and playing in his car and Scoop had a crazy time at the off lead area yesterday. This morning I took Oliver to Como Zoo (where we went on his birthday) and we had a picnic there. He pretty much ate a whole apple (not cut up!!) as you can see in the picture above! I am willing him to have a little nap now although he seems to have given up nap time over the past couple of days.

In fact, Oliver has turned into a typical toddler - he is crabby a lot, refuses most of the food we give him and has tantrums when we tell him off for something. And the nap thing of course! At least he still sleeps through the night which is a blessing. Of course he is sweeter than pie when he's around anyone else so no-one understands what I'm talking about, LOL!!! One thing I forgot to say last time was that we took Oliver for his second haircut when Granny Colleen was here but he cried the whole way through it this time. Obviously as much fun as going to the doctor's :)

But there are the fun things too of course. Oliver loves to play hide and seek although he likes Jon and I to do the hiding. We run around like mad things upstairs and jump out at him when he finds us :)) He squeals with delight when we do that!! And when we walked Scoop yesterday he discovered the fun he can have with puddles, i.e., standing in the middle of one and stomping up and down. So much fun :)) No new words that I can think of (Oliver is taking it all in rather than speaking a lot!) but he can do some awesome animal impressions: lion, elephant, dog, snake and duck! I'll have to try and get a video of them.

Here's a couple of new pics for you!

A new place to play - Mummy and Daddy's bathtub!

Sharing Daddy's oatmeal for breakfast

Finally able to play in the car again!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Family fun!!

Granny Colleen has been in town over the past week so we've had a busy week spending time with her - eating out, playing with the kids and, most importantly, celebrating Mikayla's 1st birthday! She had a pizza party last Saturday which was lots of fun :)

Mikayla and Oliver spent a lot of time playing together this week which was fun to watch. Mikayla is far more sociable than Oliver and is quite willing to play with anyone else whereas Oliver is a bit on the clingy side so it was nice to see him interacting with her. We went to the toddler playtime in St Louis Park again on Wednesday morning and this time Oliver was much better and had a lot of fun playing with the toys. I think it helped that there were only a few children there when we arrived so he wasn't quite so overwhelmed.

We also took Oliver to play at Ridgedale Mall and he probably played for an hour. He's started running which is so funny to watch - you'll see on the video below :) There is also a video of him taking a tumble off the slide but he was absolutely fine! He's also taken to drinking from a straw although this means that Jon or I spend half of our meal holding the cup for him so he doesn't shake it all over the place! He thinks he's pretty clever though.

One other new thing this week is that Oliver got a sound out of his harmonica for the first time! Should we be grateful or not I ask myself??!!

I'm sure there is other stuff I am forgetting to write but I'll sign off now with the pics and videos from last week.

Hanging out with Grandpa

What on earth is this??!!!

Grandma Sandy entertaining Oliver

The birthday girl with her cake

Oliver getting a long overdue cuddle with Granny

Story time with Daddy/Uncle Jon

One of Oliver's favourite things to do is tip all the Lego out of the box and use it as a hat!

The cool dude found a new game to play - going in and out of Granny's room!

Loving my new ball from Granny

I am NOT listening to this any more!!!

Oliver and Mikayla playing together after breakfast on Friday morning